Column: ART reported in ASAHI newspaper
Introspection and Humor produced by VTR (video tape recordings) (*1)
Exhibitions -- Tokio Maruyama, Shigeko Kubota

Two exhibitions were seen, in both of them, which used VTR effectively. To begin with, I'll introduce "The Exhibition of Tokio Maruyama". He was born in 1956. He has been correcting and rearranged familiar objects as works. In this exhibition, only one work entitled "Restoration of Time #5", spread the room. The 6 map-eases (*2) were placed in a line. On each of them, he put soil, sand, ash, small stones, and so on. In the drawers of the map-cases, there were maps of the Metropolitan area and photos of desolated-looking landscapes. A "home" shaped small wooden box were placed across the middle two map-cases, just like a bridge.

Space below the bridge reminds us of the insecurity-unstableness of our ordinary life. Two TV monitor screens were placed on either end of the map-case's line. Each monitor has it's own video recording camera under it. The map-cases and the wooden "house" were recorded. The picture was also projected onto the wall near the entrance.

The picture including those of the visitors looked awkward: in fact, it was contrived to retard, to be a little later than the actual movement. The subtle delay of the frames of VTR seems to product a slight "shift". It made us be conscious of ourselves. Though our life is full of danger --from the point of view of economics, ecology and family environment-- we are always too late to notice that. This exhibition compelled us to reflect ourselves: the introspection of our life in various aspects.

(TANAKA Sanzou)

Notes 1: The columnist, (Sanzou Tanaka) described another exhibition next.
According to him, Ms.Kubota presented her VTR works with a sense of “humor”.
Notes 2: A map-case is a low desk with flat drawers like a chest. It can preserve maps without bending.

HomemaruyamaCopyright (c) MARUYAMA Tokio. All rights reserved.